Digital ID, digital dollar, social credit score + 15-minute cities = total slavery.

It must all be scrapped. We want our Canada back.

Thank you Dr. Lewis for sounding the alarm!

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I couldn’t have said it better Richard House, all Canadians should take action against what is trying to be implemented!!

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Canadian Conservative MP Michelle Rempel has a tweet dated Sept 22, 2017 bragging about being with the WEF Executive Klaus Schwab starting her final day at UNGA2017 with the Young Global Leader community. Is she working for an unelected foreign entity? Is she in a conflict of interest? Unfortunately I can't post the tweet and the censorship is heavy on Youtube..... Can you explain.. Send me your Parliamentary email and I will send the tweet.


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Excellent presentation, I look forward to the follow up info you’re going to provide. I and many others here in Alberta are extremely against smart cities. We must educate all Canadians so they do not fall for the “convenience” trap of the smart cities.

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This will only happen if you the politicians allow this BS to happen! Globalists are traitors

to their respective countries! The Carbon farce is exactly that A FARCE! We do not need

the WEF, the WHO or the United Nations......they want total control of the World!!!

Gee I wonder how big the bribes are to all 194 or so UN member countries who follow these dictates! As I have said GLOBALISTS ARE TRAITORS!


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Thank you so much for that informative video...Norman Orwell was not far off the mark! Gov't Over reach has been so front and center..with the Trudeau Gov. and what is happening in the U.S. with their Marxist leanings and wanting basically destroy the family values and religious followings .... the Libs have no issue with walking over anything that protects people ... Like the 1st amendment or our Charter and they will do their best to ruin their competition ...Like a Banana Republic!

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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government. Right from the horse's mouth. Here is Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner with Marxist Klaus Schwab. He lied. One of many.


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Therefore, with their Cold War buddies gone, organizations like the Club of Rome est 1968 and World Economic Forum (WEF) est in 1972 used Comintern/Soviet intel tactics of the Popular Front to make up for the short fall. I am still not certain of the continuing relationship between them and Communist China however it is becoming more obvious that the Russians saw something in the West between 1991 and 2018 that thoroughly scared them. We know Vladimir Putin attended WEF meetings during this period. What is not largely understood is that groups like Club of Rome ( Pierre Trudeau was a member) and WEF base their global outlook and desire for global control based on ridiculous premises like population control and Keynesian style economic thinking. Remember the Covid 19 spread? Does anyone care about its origins? ANYONE? What about a vaccine touted by all the cheerleaders of population control and culling of the human population like Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation? People like Klaus Schwab's Yuval Noah Harari who wants to replace humanity with computers and robots? These are NOT conspiracy theories but statements made IN PUBLIC and ON CAMERA that reflect THEIR POLICIES and DESIRES. They are falling into place with their Communist predecessors. No one ever asks the question what would have become of Europe if the Comintern and Red Army were a success? What if they had achieved their goal of engulfing Germany in the 1920s? Would their have been a European Holocaust? Indeed - Indeed! The actions within the short lived Red Republics prove this as well as the Holodomor. What people need to get through their fat heads, and Canadians in particular, is that this effort by the Super Rich to enslave the world is ongoing. IT NEVER ENDED. It may exist under a different facade but it has not ended. How many Ukrainians have to be fed into the meat grinder of insanity before people wake up? How many wars have to be sparked before people wake up? The irony in all this is that those who were once our real enemy and posed a REAL threat of a global one world order COMINTERN, are the ones WARNING us that the real enemy is not tied to any nation or even any REAL ideology but the pathetic and psycho greed of the super rich who want to exterminate us based on the myth that we human beings are destroying THEIR world. A world they do NOT want to share. The only REAL impediment to that global conquest, that ONE WORLD ORDER, are nations like Russia and India. Nations who put CUSTOMS, CULTURES, TRADITION, RELIGION before MONEY. To the extremely gullible in minority politics from gay, transgender, Black you name it, you are simply the continuation of COMINTERN Marxist tactics. Like the now 350,000 DEAD Ukrainian soldiers, you are nothing but canon fodder to them. They do not care, outside their own sexual perversions of which they are ripe, about you or your cause. You will be their first they throw to the wayside after they have taken over nations with their climate BS and anything else they can come up with to enslave and control their populations. The 15 minute city BS is a cloak over that very desire. This is why the Liberal/Democrat desire to take the guns away from law abiding citizens while allowing gangs from foreign lands to infest our streets that have access to a plethora of illegal firearms. It is not for PUBLIC SAFETY. They understand, for example, that if thousands of armed Canadians are brought together because of their Communist totalitarian policies, they DO NOT have the infrastructure to STOP THEM. The US and NATO cant even win a proxy war in Ukraine with 230 BILLION dollars. None of this is fantasy, it is all very real. The problem is their tactic of controlling the media in Canada has worked. As of 12/30/2023 Canada DOES NOT HAVE A MEDIA. This process began in then 1930s with the infiltration of the CBC a case scenario warned about by former Head of British Intelligence in NA Sir William Stephenson. he knew in the early 1950s that the CBC and NFB were being stuffed full of FAR - LEFT activists. The unionization of the public service with Communist led unions sealed the deal in the 1960s and 70s. In short, a large swath of Canadians are already too far gone mentally to deal with any of this. That is why organizations like the WEF still see opportunity in Commonwealth nations like Canada and Australia. Their populations have been dumbed down and brainwashed to perfection. That is why it is so ironic that it is the former Socialist-Communist powerhouses warning us about all of this. God indeed works in mysterious ways. We cannot allow the former Communists, now pathetic shills of Globalism inhabiting our government to get away with this. I am sorry for the long message. My suggestion to Canadians is to pull their heads out of their selfish sanctimonious butts and RESEARCH these topics. I know you will not believe me even though all the info above is in the FIRST HAND RECORD. The world is heading towards its inevitable climax. Do not think for a second that God will allow this to continue. Get on the right side of history and like the Freedom Convoy, do all that is peacefully possible to turn this tide of insanity. The main problem in Canada is A. Their almost complete control of the media B. Their complete control over the judiciary ( a personal project of Lester Pearson and Pierre Trudeau) C. The fact that three out of four of Canada's political parties are practically identical in their policies and social outlook. D. The fact that, as in the US, our Conservative Party ( remember O'Toole) can be BOUGHT OFF. C. All the above take their orders from an unelected FOREIGN organization which should be against the law and viewed as an act of TREASON. Yep, looks hopeless right? Well, taking the Soviet Union as an example. By the mid 1920s only 600,000 criminals within the CPSU controlled over 100 Million Russians. That scenario can be used to our favour. Not to become DICTATORS like Trudeau and Singh but to seek a BALANCE and a return to the Bill of Rights. We need to go back to the basics so such a corrupt and vile system NEVER rears its ugly head again. The alternative is destruction.

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Well said. If people understood this we wouldn’t be in this mess and our leaders would be hanging for treason. Welcome to Neo Bolshevism

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Taskmaster and servant have been here since Adam took the bait. Caine v Able

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So was the solution

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I found this article. Yes, it is not about smart cities but smart farming. I would like to know how C40 agreements figure into smart cities. I am concerned about food and energy. I have serious concerns about net-zero, which is a very implausible goal with serious side effects. Why are some countries not participating in net-zero? Some countries are increasing their coal powered energy consumption? I am concerned about the push towards the digital wallet and CBDC. I would like clarification about talks with the EU on the digital wallet. I also have questions relating to geoengineering.

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Nicely done. Canadians have no trust in their governments. Governments do not delivery on many of their promises and implement major policies without Canadian's support. I have no elusion this will change in the future. The past 4 years of the pandemic confirms with 100% certainty that governments cannot be trusted, for me what trust I had left in governments is gone, forever. So any Smart City program that has potential for abuse of Canadian's rights and freedoms, especially from our governments is a none starter, it is dead in the water as far as I am concerned.

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It's not dead at all. It's going to happen whether we want it or not. Poilievre is not even talking about it. Likely your city mayor and council have joined the global initiative and are already implementing it, laying groundwork, installing 5G compatible lights that can be adapted. I notice she said at the very start it has implications for everything but health. Health is the big one. I'm already hearing studies of people getting tumors and constant migrains around these big 5G towers. Imagine when they put these mini powerful antennas everywhere.

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You misunderstood my post, I said it was dead in the water as far as I am concerned; this means I will not support or comply. It does not mean their strategy is dead.

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Thank you, Dr. Lewis. Most 50 yr olds can see the Govt over reach. It's the younger generation 18-49 yr olds that LOVE the idea of technology and connectivity as they have no life experience of what has happened in the past nor are they determined to find out. The 50 yr olds have memories of their parents & grand parents stories and how Marxist Socialist govts operate. We need to reach the 'youngsters' who are backing these initiatives bc they are not looking at the govts bigger picture for WE, the people! I have three adult married children with children in the 'youngster' group. The excitement to get the newest technology, digital wallet is palatable. They are all educated and degreed yet they and their friends think I am a conspiracy theorist. I will be sharing your video with them nonetheless. Wish me luck.

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Governments may reap a few efficiencies from some of these smart city initiatives. However this is nothing but a disguised initiative for excessive government control. All residents of Canada should be running the other way unless they want every single bit of their movements tracked by government.

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If 15 minute cities worked, we'd already be living the life. Smart City is nothing but dystopian green marxism. Not wanted here.

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oh they do!! and everyone yelled "holocaust" after they ran the last ones. Anyone who has knowledge of ww1, ww2 can see through this one a mile away. Even if you had the nicest guy in the world in charge......a gulag is a gulag and quickly becomes a death camp.

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Our country is vast! We do not have the infrastructure to have everyone in 15 minute cities. Hell, I won’t have access to internet because I’m considered so rural, but live 20 minutes by car taking a 400 series highway to get to a town in 20 minutes. The government has NO clue to what they are doing. Leslyn knows the whole climate crisis, her education background is in this line of work. Unfortunately, Leslyn has been black pilled! She should know, as she had Christine Anderson from the EU for lunch and was criticized by her party leader, Pierre earlier in 2023! Don’t vote Liberal, Conservative nor NDP, consider voting United Party of Canada if they get going!

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Yes, it was very disappointing to hear Pierre not supporting Ms. Anderson. I wrote to him saying as much. I hope many others did the same.

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I have written the Conservatives stating I will not financially support them till I see/hear a public apology to Christine Anderson.

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They will force you out if your rural home into a 15 minute city.

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Talk about government over reach.big brother is watching 👀

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Thank you, Leslyn. When I talk to people about "smart cities" and "15-minute communities" most of them think I'm making it up. Our citizens, especially our young people, even with all the access they have to the media, have been so brainwashed in the public school system that they are oblivious to how their freedoms are rapidly disappearing. The "Prince of the power of the air", i.e., Satan, is behind these efforts. I am a tech-savvy person, having worked with technology, especially computer technology, since the 1970s. It is wonderful, exciting, useful, but like nuclear energy, dangerous in the hands of the wrong people with the wrong motives (read WEF). Keep up the excellent work.

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Thank you, Dr. Lewis for addressing this very important topic.

This system is rolled out in parts of Britain and the results are quite draconian.

Technocrats, bureaucrats and so called science are running things right off the rails.

What happens if there is s cyber “attack” or black out?

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In britian there has been attacks on these cameras to take them down

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Why is nobody in the so called government here and around the world talking about the nana tech that has and is being ramped up exponentially in our air, water, food supply, injectables (Pharma), for example the bio weapon shots so called Covid 19 vaccines that still have not been taken off the market and Corps like Pfizer held accountable! Maybe now that Texas is suing Pfizer over jabs it will be stopped soon how many more people must be injured and murdered with these nano injections?

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In the last 3 years in Vancouver, BC, we have seen new installations, including surveillance cameras at every intersection, 4G/5G towers, smart meters, smart appliances, Blue LED light poles, to name a few. We also need to address CBDs (Central bank digital currency). It is an important issue, so I hope you will address that on your next article and video. Thank you so much for addressing important topics for Canadians. Wishing you a Happy New Year! May we see some breakthroughs in 2024.

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